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Energy Reduction Project
Grade 9 - Math class

Project overview

The world is in a massive energy crisis at the moment. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has escalated the situation significantly, leading to record high gas prices, shortages, high inflation and increased poverty.

This project is designed for my grade 9 students, with a focus on math but integrating the different elements of STEAM education.

For this project, students research the school’s energy expenditure and set a goal for reducing the total energy expenditure of the school by 10% and introducing renewable energy sources.

They will need to use critical thinking skills to demonstrate they understood the full background of the energy crisis, why it is important and how they can help. Students will collaborate and present their group project to the rest of the school 5 weeks after the start. A special jury will be assigned to evaluate the projects based on a rubric.


5 weeks should be sufficient for students to deep dive into each of the STEAM elements. The students will be allowed to work on the project during 1 hour of their science class, math class and art class - so in total 3 hours per week. At these points, the respective teachers will check in on them and track their progress. The rest of the work they are expected to complete after school or during breaks. They won't have any summative assessments during the duration of the project.

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